
Autism related services are now a part of Florissa, a pediatric developmental center in downtown Dixon (144 North Court Street, Dixon), which focuses on developmental, behavioral, emotional and social needs of children (0-18 years of age).

Florissa is devoted to advancing the system of care through diagnosis, treatment, resource, referral and community planning. Clinical Services include screening and comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, small group Social Skills training as well as a New Diagnosis Family Orientation program and family focused consultation.

The Family and Community Resource Room at Florissa contains books, videos, learning aids, and visual supports that are available to families, teachers, services providers and anyone else with an interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders. A work station is also available to allow for the creation of personalized schedules and aids. The program’s knowledgeable staff can provide information about the agency’s various resources and services, as well as other community resources and events.

Community outreach and training are essential components of the mission of Kreider Services. We provide training and seminars on a variety of topics for caregivers, daycare providers, educators, first responders, physicians, and other professionals in the community.

For more information about Florissa please contact Laura Watters or visit the Florissa website.